St. Patricks Day


Here are some of the events we have throughout the year:


Halloween Party (October):

We love having a reason to party! At the end of October, we have a Halloween party. Costumes and candy are welcome!

Christmas Program (December):

Each year, our children share the Christmas story on a Sunday morning at Christ Lutheran Church.

In 2020, we weren't able to hold our Christmas program as usual so we made this video.

Pajama Week: 

Pajama day? Let’s make it a pajama week! The week before Christmas we dress up in pajamas.

St. Patrick’s Day: 

There’s always mischief at Open Arms on St. Patrick’s Day. We get a visit from a leprechaun each year and he destroys the classroom, so we try to track him down and catch him!


Graduation is always bittersweet. We love celebrating our graduates and watching them move on, but it’s always sad to say goodbye. We celebrate our graduates with a graduation in May.

4th of July: 

Many of our kids ride their bikes in Breckenridge’s 4th of July parade, so in preparation and to celebrate the holiday, we have a bike decorating day.